The National Rejoin March

At the end of September 15000 people marched through London to demonstrate their wish to rejoin the European Movement. It was an entirely peaceful demonstration. What did the BBC & mainstream media report about this big event? Zilch!
Even the Independent and the Guardian that did cover the NRM in 2023 had nothing to say about the 2024 march.
The foreign media on the other hand did pick up the story – here are 2 examples from Spain.
El Mundo – Cientos de británicos se unen a la primera marcha anti Brexit de la era Starmer
“Sabemos que no quiere volver a la UE, ni siquiera al mercado único, ni llegar a un acuerdo de movilidad juvenil. ¿Qué es realmente lo que quiere Starmer?”

Hundreds of Britons join first anti-Brexit march of Starmer era. “We know he doesn’t want to go back to the EU, or even the single market, or strike a youth mobility deal. What does Starmer really want?”

El Correo -Los británicos opuestos al Brexit se manifiestan en Londres con la idea de un retorno gradualEl menor número de manifestantes en la convocatoria se relaciona con la política de acercamiento con la UE emprendida por el nuevo Gobierno del laborista Starmer.
British anti-Brexit protesters in London rally for gradual return. The lower number of protesters at the rally is linked to the policy of rapprochement with the EU undertaken by the new Labour government of Starmer.

It was also reported in Romania, in Switzerland, on Yahoo news, and on ABC.

Leeds for Europe did a splendid job in getting it into the Yorkshire Post and there was an article in Yorkshire Bylines. A couple of left wing publications also covered it – Left foot Forward and Workers Liberty.

The New European, of course, carried a large image, clear enough to recognise familiar faces, the Hope for Europe contingent somewhere in the crowd.

Recent YouGov polls show that A 59%-41% majority would vote to rejoin the EU. 78% of Labour voters are for rejoining. A 62%-to-12% majority thinks Brexit has been a “failure”, and a 60%-29% majority now says it was always going to be a “failure”.

So why the silence ?

IIt is easy to understand this question in relation to the right wing press. It is, however, very disappointing that the BBC  failed to report on the march, given the fact that the public is now so supportive of closer ties with the EU as illustrated by the polling numbers quoted above.  The new government has said it wants to develop a better relationship and the march demonstrates this approach has widespread support.  There are no issues of balance to consider here so it is curious that the BBC chose not to report on it.  Why did they come to this decision?

And why the silence in the Guardian and the Independent? Fear of readers Brexit fatigue? Not wanting to upset Keir Starmer? The vow of silence across political parties in general?
Let us know what you think.

Categories: CampaignComment

1 Comment

Eurofun · 17th October 2024 at 3:27 pm

This is a great article, well done Hope for Europe

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