Nish, as you will know, is a British stand-up comedian, television presenter, and podcast host. Best known for Late Night Mash and now as the co-host of the political podcast Pod Save the UK, Nish is an outspoken anti Brexit advocate.
Nish came to perform in Buxton Opera House last week and a group of Hope for Europe saw this as an ideal opportunity to recruit new supporters and to enjoy the show.
Well, outside the theatre there was almost a queue for our leaflets – both the Hope for Europe leaflets and the Face the Music leaflets flew out of our hands.
Next door to the Opera House is a well known watering hole, the Clubhouse. We were welcomed in, and the crowd was really glad to see us – everyone was keen to take leaflets. There wasn’t one dissenting voice. In fact people were sharing experiences of anti- brexit rallies. As we went off to the performance we were invited to leave leaflets for people to pick up later in the evening. It was a good boost for our supporters list.
If you know of an event where the audience is likely to be pro-EU, let us know. While the crowds are gathering in a good mood is a great time to recruit more like-minded folk and a good way for people to realise that they are not on their own.
Brexit impact
Mike Galsworthy in Wirksworth, Derbyshire Brexit: The Elephant in the Room.
Mike Galsworthy in Wirksworth, Derbyshire Brexit: The Elephant in the Room